I went in Tuesday for another Dr. visit and he said there has been some progress!! I am one whole centimeter dilated~ I know not much to write home about but progress is progress and to me its just a sign that things are moving in the right direction! Dr. J said everything looked great and he didn't seem to think he'd be late and he thinks that Henry should just come naturally in the next two weeks!! Exciting!!!! Today was my last day of school/work and I am so glad I made it to the end and was able to get everything packed up for summer break and all loose ends tied up at work before my sugar foot gets here :) Now I can relax and wait on him to get here!
I have thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant but have just recently become increasingly uncomfortable and ready for him to come out. More than that, I'm ready for him to get here so I can see his sweet face and see what he looks like! I go back to the doctor Wednesday and hopefully will have more good news :)
1 year ago
YAY!!! Two weeks will fly by. I am so excited for you both. You will make amazing parents! Hope you have a great weekend, sleep as much as possible. :)