We knew when we left Sunday Henry was jaundice so we headed to the doctor on Monday. His level when we left Sunday was 13 (they like to see it below 10) and was 16 on Monday but Dr W said it would likely go up before it went down. She said other than that, Henry looked great! She said Henry would need to sit on a billybed with lights to help get rid of his jaundice. So, for three days H had to lie on the billy lights except for when we were feeding or changing him. By Thursday his level was back down to 10.3 and he was able to come off the lights. It was so nice to get to hold him and snuggle whenever we wanted!
Thursday, Kiersten and the kids drove over from Georgia to meet their new cousin. I'm sorry it ended up being a quick trip but they will be back next week to stay a little longer.
Just when things were getting good again, I started feeling bad Friday and by lunchtime I was running a fever of 102. I called my ob and he said to go to the emergency room right away. I frantically packed up Henry and met Lee at the ER. Long story short, it turns out I had some type of infection and anitibiotics had me feeling much better by the next day. You never really think about how dirty an ER is until you have to expose a one week old to it!
The weekend was filled with visitors and family coming by to check on Henry and I. Saturday night we went to Mimi and B-paw's and grilled out with uncle Ryan and Aunt Kelly. Sunday we did the same with SueSue and Poppi.
This week has been pretty quiet. Lee and I are getting the hang of our new life and new family. Henry is SUCH a good baby! He is very laid back and only cries when he is hungry or needs to burped or changed. Lee has been such a big help, he changes diapers and burps him after I feed him and is quick to get me something when I need it. then he goes to work on a few hours of sleep all to come home and do it over again without one single gripe or complaint. I knew he was a good husband before but like I sad in a previous post, I have a greater love and appreciation for him more now than I ever did! Our friends, family, and neighbors have also been wonderful!! We have had so many people come visit us and bring food and gifts and not to mention offer their advice, prayers, and well wishes. We are so blessed and thankful to have such wonderful people in our lives.
i hate to hear henry had to be on the lights... but i'm glad he's off now, and i bet he has a cute lil tan :) and i'm sorry you were sick but hopefully you are all better or headed that way! i know how you feel, i had strep twice, walking pnemonia, and a staph infection (from so many antibiotics) all before lucas was 4 weeks old! hang in there, it gets better, i promise! glad he is a good baby, you are blessed!! can't wait to see more pics and hear more about the new little man! (btw, is it dr w at peds east? LOVE her!)